Assistant Professor Nili Krausz (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) has been selected to receive a Fellowship for the Recruitment of Outstanding Faculty from the Ultra-Orthodox Community from the Council for Higher
Associate Professor Reut Shalgi (Ruth and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine) received the Ferruccio Ritossa Early Career Award from the Cell Stress Society International (CSSI).
The research group led by Associate Professor Aaron Sprecher (Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning) has been selected as the Winner of the Year in Universal Design in the competitive
Professor Emanuel Milman (Faculty of Mathematics) received the 2024 Frontiers of Science Award, presented by the International Congress of Basic Science, for his paper with Professor Fabio Cavalletti, “The globalization
Assistant Professor Gilad Barshad, who will be joining the Ruth and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine in the upcoming academic year, has been awarded an Azrieli Early Career Faculty Fellowship.
Professor Gershon Elber (Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science) received the Tosiyasu L. Kunii Distinguished Researcher Award from Shape Modeling International (SMI).
Assistant Professor Joachim Behar (Faculty of Biomedical Engineering) was selected to receive the Ziegler Prize from the Israeli National Academy of Science in Medicine. The prize, established in memory of
The election of this year’s new members of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) includes three faculty members from the Technion: Professor Oded Beja and Professor Benjamin Podbilewicz from the
Professor Alfred (Freddy) Bruckstein (Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science) has been elected as Fellow of the International Core Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Class of 2024.
Three faculty members won the Krill Prize for Excellence in Scientific Research from the Wolf Foundation: Assistant Professor Renana Gershoni Poranne (Schulich Faculty of Chemistry), Assistant Professor Hila Peleg (Henry and Marilyn
Clinical Associate Professor Roni P. Dodiuk-Gad (Ruth and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine) was selected as an honorable member of the International Society of Dermatology.
Five young faculty members have been selected to receive the Alon & Maof Fellowships for the Integration of Outstanding Faculty from the Council for Higher Education: Assistant Professor Nir Hananya
Professor Emeritus Yeshayahu (Ishi) Talmon (Wolfson Faculty of Chemical Engineering) has been selected as the winner of the Graham Prize, awarded by the German Colloid Society.
Dr. Areej Mawasi (Faculty of Education in Science and Technology) received the Mordechai Nisan Award for Outstanding Early Career Education Researchers.
Professor Emeritus Avishai Mandelbaum (Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences) Received the Life Achievement Award from the Operations Research Society of Israel (ORSIS).
Professor Shay Kutten (Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences) has been awarded the Prize for Innovation in Distributed Computing (SIROCCO Award) during the International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication
A design project by Maayan Kinsbursky, under the supervision of Mr. Yoav Sterman (Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning) won the Red Dot Award: Design Concept.
Congratulations to Professor Ashraf Brik (the Schulich Faculty of Chemistry) and Professor Michael (Miki) Elad (the Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science) on their selection as members of
Professor Ashraf Brik was selected as the 2024 winner of the European Peptide Society Leonidas Zervas Award
Associate Professor Tzipi Horowitz–Kraus (Faculty of Education in Science and Technology) is the winner of the 2024 Best Research and Studies Khalifa International Award for the Early Learning Field.
Professor Miri Yemini (Faculty of Education in Science and Technology) is the recipient of the 2024 Innovative Research in International Education Award, awarded by the Association of International Educators (NAFSA).
Associate Professor Eitan Yaakobi (The Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science) was admitted as a new member of the Israel Young Academy.
Professor Yohay Carmel (Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering) won the Strage Award for Excellence in Environmental Studies and Sustainability.
Professor Anat Levin (Andrew and Erna Viterbi Faculty of Electrical & Computer Engineering) has been selected as the 2024 recipient of the European Association for Computer Graphics (EUROGRAPHICS) Outstanding Technical
Distinguished Professor Ilan Marek (The Schulich Faculty of Chemistry) has been selected as the 2024 recipient of the European Chemical Society (EuChemS) Division of Organic Chemistry – Research Award.
Congratulations to Professor Alexander Bronstein and Associate Professor Eitan Yaakobi (the Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science), Associate Professor Graham de Ruiter (Schulich Faculty of Chemistry), Professor Hossam
Congratulations to Professor Emeritus Moussa Youdim (The Ruth and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine), who has been chosen to receive the annual prize awarded by the Aufzien Family Center for the
Professor Ashraf Brik (The Schulich Faculty of Chemistry) has been selected to receive the 2024 Rappaport Prize for Excellence in the field of Biomedical Research, in the category of an
Professor Daniella Raveh (Dean of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering), has been elected as a distinguished member of the Class of 2024 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Fellows.
Associate Professor Nadav Amdursky (The Schulich Faculty of Chemistry) has been awarded the 2023 Israel Chemical Society (ICS) Prize for Outstanding Young Scientist.
Professor Seffi Naor (The Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science) has been recognized as an Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Fellow.
Oren Kurland (Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences) has been acknowledged as one of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Distinguished Members.
In the 2024 Yad Hanadiv Rothschild Prizes, two winners from the Technion have been announced: Professor Michael (Micky) Elad (The Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science) – Winner
Associate Professor Ido Kaminer (the Andrew and Erna Viterbi Faculty of Electrical & Computer Engineering) received the 2023 Stanisław Lem European Science Prize.
Professor Shulamit Levenberg (Faculty of Biomedical Engineering) was elected as Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors.
Professor Emeritus Dov Dori (Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences) received INCOSE Pioneer Award
Professor Israel Cohen (the Andrew and Erna Viterbi Faculty of Electrical & Computer Engineering) received an Honorary Doctorate from the Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences
Asst. Prof. Ido Schwartz (who will be joining the Faculty of Physics in October 2023) was selected to receive the support of the Council for Higher Education (CHE) Faculty Program
The research group of Arch. Shany Barath (the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning) received the 2023 Gold Prize in Universal Design of the Design Educates Awards. The project was